Sunday, March 20, 2011

Project 2: Serial Planes Studies

Phase A: Altered Books

Phase B: Foam Care 3D Constructions

Reaction Paper:
          I had very different experiences while creating both phases of this project. When I started the altered books assignment, I brainstormed my ideas and decided how to go about making each part of my sculpture before I began. I had to really think and plan ahead because I only had one book to use. While creating this first phase, I felt like I was pulling my sculpture out of the book as opposed to building it from a pile of materials. The paper in my book was very thin, so it tore easily but I was also able to curl it nicely to make the organic and dynamic shapes that I desired. Since the paper was so thin, I was also able to cut pieces and fold them into origami flowers. This phase was a very interesting experience and I very much enjoyed this part of the project.
          Completing the second phase of the project was a much different experience. I wasn't sure what I wanted to make, so I spent a lot of time thinking. I decided I wanted to make flowers my focal point since those sort of got lost in my altered books design. Then I looked through magazines and on the internet and was inspired by some of the images I found to create the other shapes in my design. I was able to use scrap pieces to make a sketch model for this phase of the assignment. This was helpful because I felt like I got more practice and had a better idea of how to go about the assignment before I began. Working with the foam core was a lot different than working with the books because the book pages were a lot easier to fold, curl, and cut. I did find a good method of folding the foam core to achieve the shapes I desired, and also a unique texture that added interest to my design. I enjoyed this phase of the project and I was very pleased with my final product.
           I really enjoyed both phases of this project. Working with planes was really cool because I found it very interesting how many different ways we can make a two dimensional object into a three dimensional structure. Seeing all the different approaches to the assignment was really interesting. I also enjoyed the different ways in which my classmates incorporated negative space. Whether they curled the paper, cut out holes and spaces, or added structures between planes to create space, everybody's project was very unique and interesting. I liked working with the two different materials because it is good practice. When working with different materials for a similar assignment, we learn the best ways to deal with them and we learn to use each material to its full potential. I learned a lot from this project and I am very happy with the way both of my phases turned out.